Fatty Liver Disease
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What Causes Fatty Liver

Being overweight causes fatty liver

Being overweight causes fatty liverBeing overweight is the number one reason for what causes fatty liver and having a really bad diet.

If you have lots of fat in your diet your liver does not have time to break it all down which causes the fatty deposits.

This in turn makes your liver expand in size and leak more enzymes into your blood stream.

If you are in the first stage of the disease there are no symptoms and the only way to find out if you have it would be through blood tests, which would reveal high liver enzymes.

After the blood tests have revealed high enzymes you would then have more done to rule out hepatitis and then would have a scan on the effected area.

Bad diet causes fatty liver

Bad diet causes fatty liverEating way too much cheese and fatty red meats is another reason of what causes fatty liver; of course changing your diet can cure it.

If you eat burgers, pizza and drink lots of Cola all the time then it is going to cause a build up of fatty deposits in your liver.

You can still eat these things you should just do everything in moderation, do not eat them all the time just treat yourself to a pizza or to any take away meal every month or every other week instead of every night.

This has to be one of the main causes and one of the easiest things to change in your life, if you continue to eat badly your liver cells could become damaged and give you more serious problems later on in life.

Just be aware of how mach fat you are eating and try to cut down on it bit by bit and slowly but surely you will get to where you need to be.

Not enough exercise causes fatty liver

Not enough exercise causes fatty liverThe first thing I was told to do by the consultant when I was diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease was to lose some weight and do some exercise.

Along with being overweight not enough exercise is what causes fatty liver disease and knowing that will help you to cure it.

When I was diagnosed I did not do any exercise at all so just doing a bit here and there every other day helped me a lot.

By changing my diet and by doing some regular exercise for 30 minutes every other day I was able to lose quite a bit of weight in only a few months.

You have to get it into your head that this has to be a long term lifestyle change and that you must stick with it, doing it for just a few weeks or days will not help you. Lots of exercise can reduce what causes the fatty deposits on your liver.

What pain results from the causes of fatty liver?

What pain results from the causes of fatty liverLike I have said earlier if you are in stage 1 of the disease then there are no symptoms whatsoever and the only way that you will know that you have it is from having some blood tests done.

I was in stage 2 of the disease so I was experiencing a dull ache pain just below my right hand side rib cage.

So being overweight and not doing any exercise is what causes fatty liver, I think you will agree that it is easy to turn around and is not a serious problem unless you don't change the way you eat and live.

I was determined to get rid of the fatty deposits on my liver and was prepared to make the necessary changes to do so.

What causes the pain is the fact that your liver has increases in size; you can turn it around by following what has been outlined here.

I am not a doctor or saying that it will work for you it is just what has worked for me and I have logged this info to help others with the disease.

Treatment to reverse the causes of a fatty liver

Treatment to reverse the causes of a fatty liverAs you might have already gathered what causes a fatty liver is being overweight, having a bad diet and not doing enough exercise.

All you need to do is reverse the causes and start eating better, doing some exercise and in turn losing some weight.

I started exercising using one of my girlfriends exercise DVDs, all I did was 30 minutes every other night, everyone can spare that amount of time, surely.

Next I looked at what I was eating and cut out all the cheese I was eating and swapped the fatty red meats for Quorn, it's actually quite nice if you are willing to give it a go.

In just a few months I lost quite a bit of weight and was not experiencing the liver pain anymore. Just in case you want to know, the DVD that I was using is Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred, it worked a treat for me and it's not that hard to do.


The Fatty Liver Solution

Fatty Liver Symptoms
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
High Liver Enzymes
Fatty Liver Pain
What Causes Fatty Liver
Fatty Liver Disease Diet
What is Fatty Liver
Can Fatty Liver be Reversed
Fatty Liver Disease Cure

The Fatty Liver Disease Cure Cook Book
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